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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

what do we think of a dangerous method !

well , it's obviously a must watch movie for me atleast ! unfortunately movies like this does not get released in malaysia .WHY?????  cause it's freaking independent (hahaah! excluding the fact that keira knightley is in it along with other stars like michael fassbender and viggo mortensensen ! )
well , you all know the stories about prof. sigmund freud and his sick theories about psycho analysis ! there's even one about that thing where one actually craves for sexual desires out of self abuse !  hahaha ! that's when keira knightley actually goes " i want to punish me " hhahha ! i think i watched that part in particular about 1000238924179826528650 times ! hahahah ! serious ly ! it's because of me , the video has spooooooooooooooooo many views ! uuummhhh ! moving on !

well , freud's apprentice karl jung encouters a patient that lacks somewhat of uummH! wait ! this is awkward ! uummhh ! yeah ! let me put this in layman terms ! hhahaha ! sabina sprielein (keira knightley ) is dirt tortured that she is to the extent of actually desiring it more ! oh hahahaha ! that's when she goes " it excited me " hahahahhahahaha !

in this review , you won't find much cause the movie isn't even out yet ! i just got so excited about the trailer ! uummhh ! yay ! yay to sigmund freud ! 

1 comment:

  1. LOL! And to think I have studied his theories :P He's just a product of his time. Anyway, can't wait to watch this too!
