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Thursday, March 15, 2012


The origin of this geological matter seems as a contradiction rather than a fact of life.  People have had the perception of stones or rather rocks being created from scratch but in actual geological context, this is actually a cycle whereby the rocks are built, eroded and rebuilt once again. The oldest rock formed was approximately 4.6 billion years ago. Thus, only can only imagine how that rock was formed.

 Volcanic activity plays a vital role in the formation of rocks.  As the magma cools down in the magma chambers, intrusive igneous rocks and minerals such as granite are formed. Once the volcano erupts, the lava drools down causing it to eventually cool down. This will create or rather form extrusive igneous rocks. On the long run, these rocks will hereafter erode depending on wind and rain activity. The eroded materials then find its way to the ground and waterways.  What next?  The sedimentary materials under the ocean, lakes and rivers will accumulate. The new layer buries the old layer sequentially causing the old layer to be compressed. This will create sedimentary rocks.

Rock formation actually involves the formation of igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphosis rocks. Once the sedimentary rocks are formed, it metamorphoses into metamorphic rocks. This is dependent on the temperature and pressure exerted.  In detailed context, these rocks actually undergo a process of stretching and compression.

Let’s look at artificial stones shall we? Well, artificial stones are defined as synthetically manufactured stones which are widely used in the construction industry. Artificial stones are made from crushed natural stones bonded together using Portland cement with miniscule amounts of water/cement ratio. In short, artificial stones are manufactured for the ease or rather convenience of today’s community especially when in the construction industry.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

emma watson in malaysia

people ! she's here ! well it is a rumour ! it could have just been a look alike but still i shall not fall ! i shall rise and triumph ! i have to see her ! atleast take a photo with her or something !
rumour : emma watson was  seen in LCCT kuala lumpur not a few hours ago ! she might be coming here to penang ! please oh please ! this wait is tooo long for me to bear ! i have to see her ! omg !omg! 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

what do we think of sherlock holmes ; a game of shadows.

i knew it ! it was hans zimmer . haaah ! we are thus serenaded by a somewhat staccato tune of string instruments smoothly crescendoing from the back and as jude law (mr.watson) depicts his post-agendas with sherlock, we wonder where is this going to take us.

as a rapid reader of the renowned series, one cannot assume that holmes dies. knowing him and his unconventional antiques , the reader is definitely in for a series of unexpected occurrences.

sherlock holmes has a tendency to actually create a circumstance that leaves you wanting to know more. i for one till date cannot forget the story of sherlock holmes solving the mystery of the white snake.( the irony is i can't remember the title of the book) .

anyway, sir Arthur Conan Doyle has created these wonderful classics that have been enjoyed by many generations and thus creating a whole new craze for the generations to come.

Moving on, i just got back from the cinema and i  feel contented now. in my previously post , i stated that when i watch a movie, the need for me to be fed is of epic proportions . that's what i got from watching Guy Ritchie's version of Sherlock Holmes ; a game of shadows. the movie , as mentioned before starts with watson typing his life experiences with holmes with this very vintage looking type-writing machine and this obviously is a porthole to a flash back. a pensieve. whatever you call it .
watching this movie as aforementioned will put yourself in a state of mind that you seldom experience. A movie can only have so much emotions poured into it. but this however just pushes boundaries. of course there are movies like the KING'S SPEECH  and LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE  and most recently CARNAGE that bring out laughter and seriousness in you but SHERLOCK HOLMES ;A GAME OF SHADOWS is a completely wrong ! i mean ! it's weird for me to watch a movie that brings out the most hysterical laughter , the most focus, the emotions in me.

this movie was just too much for me. it was as if i just walked out from a delicious meal. i'm being contradictory here. i loved it. not one boring moment. the jokes were actually funny. witty actually.

oh yes ! there was one scene which needed to be edited out i felt. this scene in the train where Sherlock Holmes supposedly died and is predictably derived from death. oh and that crying scene of Jude Law was really bad. i mean he can act very well actually but the whole scene was just awkward. probably Guy Ritchies's doing.

the movie takes us through the journey of a minuscule war between the french and the germans and involves the elite from cambridge who use their (this word is tooo pretentious to be used) to their advantages in procuring what benefits them. There were stuff like the revolution of plastic surgery of which i find( that scene) very interesting as it possessed that typical sherlock holmes essence. good adaptation. thumbs up Guy Ritchie. i can go all Joan Rivers on you at times but it shall not be today as you have fed me to my heart's content.

the cast were pretty amazing. i mean RDJ is simply awesome let alone jude law. racel mc adams impressed although she was only in the first 20 minutes of the movie.
the gypsy was fine as well. what's her name??? madam simza.
oh and did you all notice watson's wife???? she played Caroline Bingley in one of my most favourite adaptation ever, PRIDE AND PREJUDICE . she was awesome as well. hhhaahha !

conclusion: go watch this movie. it will feed you . seriously it will. but please go in expecting nothing but excellence cause the minute you doubt the british, the will .. uummh! nevermind ! great movie . i definitely don't have a problem watching it again.

also, you have to keep an eye on sherlock's camouflaging costumes. they are indeed a joy to look at. hahaha !

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

the hobbit trailer 2012 !

enjoy ! it just got released today ! yay ! not too revealing but it leaves us wanting to see more ! yay ! wheeeeeeeeeeee ! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

what do we think of new years eve

some people swear that there's no beauty left in the world. Then how do you explain the entire world coming together on one night ! hahaha ! new years eve !
after watching lots of period dramas and independent intelligence , i took a break from my perch to watch this movie in the cinema all alone ! hahah ! a romantic comedy i call it !
 by me saying that , i really don't expect myself to be blown away period !
romantic comedies are made solely for one purpose and that is to entertain those souls who have nothing better to do ! hahah ! i'm kidding ! i mean after watching certain romantic comedies, it really feeds me in a good way that is . what i mean to say is that it's very hearty . does that make sense???
anyway,  this movie is about different characters being linked into one scene at the very end . it's like love actually without an edge > oh love actually's the best so far ! hahaha ! (an i'm not being biased due to the knightley factor) ahahahha !
 people like hillary swank, robert de niro, sofia vergara , catherine heigle, josh duhamel, lea michele and loads of them star in this hopeful movie. i just love christmas movies ! oh wait ! it's not a christmas movie .
the whole of new york gather at times square in the night of new years eve only to see this gigantic ball light up . but of course there would be some technical difficulties faced by the people who are involved in lighting the ball(namely hillary swank) and there goes another inspirational speech . i liked this speech very much ! it wasn't overdone ! just right ! hahahahaha !

john bon jovi as jensen ! hahaha ! he was okay ! a tad too cheesy for my taste. hahaha ! but okay !
lea michele's character was okay as well ! she wasn't as annoying as rachel berry but managed to make the scene all about her! and oh nooooo ! she sang with jon bon jovie ! ahhahahah ! she's good but she's .... ! nevermind that !
 josh duhamel's character was likeable ! only likeable ! there wasn't much too it ! sarah jessica parker was carrie bradshaw ! hahahhaha ! really !!!! no kidding !!!!! whoah ! abigail breslin has grown so much ! i didn't recognise her . oh i have to point this ! in the movie abigail breslin's character says that she's 15 and she should be treated like an adult and she should be allowed to go out with her friends and return after midnight ! like seriously woman ! i'm 20 and still have to ask my parent's permission to do things ! and believe me when i say i have a time limit and that's definitely before 12 am . americans and their rights for nothing ! hahahhahaa !
sorry americans ! i love y'all but this is true ! hhahaha !

sofia vergara tried ooo hard to be funny ! i mean she was funny at times but she wasn't memorable ! hahhhahah !  what else ?? what else ????? yep

pretty much summed the movie for you guys ! it's okay if you want to watch a hearty movie and have no expectations to be blown away ! hahahahh !  oh and happy new year to you guys ! 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

what do we think of mission impossible !

well , the movie starts of in budhapest where this agent gets screwed by this french detective (monreau i only assumed she's french) .
anyway, the plot thickens by shifting the picture to no where but russia (the land where everyone goes capitan instead of captain) hahh!
we find agent hunt (cruise) snubbed away by his sidekicks simon pegg from the likes of HOTFUZZ and we also got to see paula paton who wasn't so annoying here ! to tell you the truth i actually thought she was pretty hot in this movie (i think otherwise elsewhere )
moving to more essential things , they call this mission the ghost protocol ! why ????? you will not get to know ! hahaha ! seriously ! probably because some russian dude tried to hack the system . hold on! how is hendricks russian ???? FAIL ! ahahhaha

there were lots of uber cool gadgets like those impending gloves that seek the opposite of carnage ! SAY WHAT ??? HAHAHA !  they're basically infrared sticking gloves which causes a strong reaction or force between the surfaces it is in contact with !

and then there was that contact lense which actually makes copies ! hahaha 1 that would be soooo handy ! seriously ! i'm an architecture student and those would really come in handy especially when drafting plans and elevations of a building.
speaking of architecture, this movies boasts it's fair share of architecture not to mention the BURJ AL KHALIFA(tallest building in the world)  that seems to be in every movie these days. seriously ! dubai is just over rated ! but the building does look appealing nontheless.
there was the kremlin in moscow ! just when i thought people should really take russian architecture seriously, they had to blow up the place . hahhahah ! my heart melted when that happened.
anyway, the movie was okay i guess judging the fact that movies like these (yes ! i'm stereotyping these films) can turn really cheesy! this however was 1.9 on the cheesy (rictor) scale ! hahahaha !
tom cruise was okay as he always is ! don't forget he is after all an academy award nominee.
paula paton was okay performance  ! i'm not expecting too much as this isn't a performance driven movie after all.
simon pegg was a marvel here ! yay ! he made my day today ! hahhaha
omg ! i forgot jeremy renner ! i loved him in the hurt locker ! here however ! not so much ! he was okay and all and that changed when he had a gay moment with cruise in the end ! gay ! like seriously ! hahahah !

the night was good ! and bumpy ! jhajajjajaaahhah ! (insight joke for a special someone ) hahhahaha ! 

Friday, December 16, 2011

what do we think of carnage

this roman polanski flick is actually based on a play in the 70s (the god of carnage). it really has a simple storyline to it and with simplicity comes its twists ! hahahaha !
there were no absolute twists but i did like the rants and screams projected by kate winslet and jodie foster .
they were excellent ! 
to project a certain aura in a movie is difficult but obviously they succeeded. i usually over complement kate winslet in every film she does but today i shan't 
that honour will go to jodie foster . 
this is definitely a different role she took on and simple has paid homage to the cliche self empowering roles she has done before . 
in carnage , she cries, talks, screams, rants and even mumbles with perfection . although i complement her, i know she wont be given an oscar nomination as this movie is not of oscar essence .
this film is merely about two sets of parents who are brought together to discuss the misfortunes lead by their children and before you know it , the whole thing turns into a bloodbath ! hahahha ! well not literally ! that was  a euphemism more likely ! hahahhaha ! NOT !  oh well ! they often get carried away from the actual point of them being there ! in this movie , we get to learn that people are attached to their toys ! men and their phones ! women and their hand bags ! hahahahha 

oh and we also get to learn that some people handle their alcohol better than others ! (funniest scene)! ajaaahahahahah ! 
this polanski flick is sure to make you laugh at times and slap the hell out of some people *coughs*christoph waltz*coughs* ! hhahahahhaha ! 

i enjoyed it ! good one hour i spent! oh ! and there are only 4 people in the whole movie ! and it's shot in one freaking place ! how cheap ! oh wait! one set of clothes ! hahahahhaha ! i loved it!  you go mr. polanski !